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• creator

Jul 2022 - Present

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Simpl:api is a simple API builder with GUI Dashboard


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This is an open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.


• creator

Jun 2020 - May 2022

Readme.mdView on GitHub

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a REST API and UI for SQL Server Agent Jobs with Express and React


1. API Server Installation

  1. Change directory to webapi folder and install packages with npm install command.
  2. Change name of .env.example file to .env and edit .env file to set api server port, database and web ui information.
  3. Start server with "npm start" (for development mode "npm run dev").
  4. If everything is correct, on console, you will get messages as follows:
    Server is running on Port:[PORT_NUMBER] DB Connection Successfull!

5.If you get these messages, you can try on your browser to connect the API server with available api server routes.

2. WebUI Installation

  1. Change directory to webui folder and install packages with npm install or yarn install command.
  2. By default logo is react's own logo, if you want to change it, you replace logo192.png file in /webui/public directory.
  3. By default, port is 3001, if you want change this, in Windows SET PORT=[PORT_NUMBER] and in linux "export PORT=[PORT_NUMBER] command will change port number. But if you change the port, you have build the application again for production mode with npm build or yarn build command.
  4. Start server with serve -s build (or for development mode npm start or yarn start) command

API Server Routes

/api/jobsreturns all jobs from sysjob table
/api/jobs/detailsreturns all jobs with their activity, history, steps, servers, schedules data
/api/job/:idreturns only job data from sysjob table by job_id ( :id part of url should be replaced with job_id )
/api/job/:id/detailsreturns selected job by job_id and its activity, history, steps, servers, schedules data
/api/job/name/:namereturns only job data from sysjob table by name (job name)
/api/job/name/:name/detailsreturns both job data from sysjob table by name (job name) and its activity, history, steps, servers, schedules data
/api/stepsreturns all steps data from sysjobsteps table
/api/activityreturns all activity data from sysjobactivity table
/api/schedulesreturns all schedule data from sysjobschedules table
/api/schedules/detailsreturns all schedule data with related job data(by job_id) from sysjobschedules and sysjob table
/api/historyreturns all history data from sysjobhistory table
/api/serversreturns all server data from sysjobservers table
/api/servers/detailsreturns server data by server_id and jobs that are run in that server
/api/server/:idreturns only server data from sysjobserver table by server_id
/api/server/:id/detailsreturns server data by server_id and both jobs that are run on that server and details of the jobs
/api/server/name/:namereturns server data by originating_server
/api/server/name/:name/detailsreturns server data by originating_server and both jobs that are run on that server and details of the jobs


This is an open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.





Copyright © 2024 Kaan AYDIN [byteKatana]